Skansen Taboru Kolejowego w Chabówce
Michał 'Doctor' PawełczykWebdesigner/Webdeveloper
A new site for the railway museum in Chabówka, one of Poland’s largest places of this kind. The main goal of the site is to present and sell what the museum offers: heritage train rides, exhibition entrance tickets and accommodation. The site replaced an old one, created about 10 years ago.
It is a WordPress-based website featuring several custom post types including teasers, exhibits, events and realizations, and respective taxonomies. It also contains news and typical static pages, of which some have special page templates including forms or a customized Google map.
It’s built according to the mobile-first principle and with the spirit of progressive enhancement and – obviously – is responsive in order to be usable by tourists on their journeys near Chabówka. No matter what device they use.
The design (by Anna Pawełczyk) is content-centered, clear and simple to maximize legibility and scannability, as it’s meant to be used in very many situations, often in a hurry or on a poor Internet connection.